Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

We are slowly getting ready for Christmas. We finished
decorating the tree, went to see Santa, decorated a
ginger bread house and even mailed out our cards without
too many family fights and crying outbursts..Although
without drama it wouldn't be a Meno Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Paiges 5 K

Paige ran a 5 k this morning as part of the nationwide
"Girls on the Run program". Noah, Aiden and I cheered her on in the 22 degree
weather as Mike ran with her holding her hand the whole way. She completed
the race in under 37 minutes!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Aiden turns two moths old!

Aiden is now the grand old age of two months
old. His big achievement is that he is laughing
although the laughs are few and far between
and mostly in his sleep. Hopefully by his third
month I will be saying his achievement is
sleeping through the night. A goal he is VERY
far away from!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We were very fortunate this Thanksgiving to be able to spend
it with so many friends and family. Mikes old CO and family
was in from Mississippi and three other NMCB 133 families were able
to join us. Mikes parents and sister and her husband also came in
making it a full house. Aiden made making the meal a lot more difficult
than previous years. Thank goodness I had a lot of help..The day would
have run smoothly if our garbage disposal, dishwasher and doorbell had
all decided not to break on the same day but I guess it wouldn't be a real
holiday without chaos in the Meno house!